Enviroment pollution Enviroment pollution

3 Facts to Start Caring for the Environment Today

Caring for the environment is a large focus and important priority in the way we work at Santex. Small daily practices can generate substantial change in the areas that we reside in.
This year the United Nations published a 700-page report that outlines a path that Santex followed in regards to our contribution towards care of the environment. The UN’s primary request was for unprecedented changes to be made in order to avoid an environmental catastrophe on the planet.

Environment: A historical claim

For more than 20 years the United Organizations has reported that “the general state of the environment has continued to deteriorate throughout the world.”
According to the published analysis, the efforts of some countries and regions are hampered by “unsustainable production and consumption” models as well as continued climate change.
“Climate change alters weather patterns, which in turn has a broad and profound effect on the environment, the economy and society, endangering livelihoods, health, water, food security and energy of populations “, explains the United Nations.
All of this results in the exacerbation of poverty, migration, forced displacement and various conflicts, adds the report.
Since 1880, the global average surface temperature is estimated to have increased by about 0.8 to 1.2 degrees Celsius.

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Biodiversity, another problem

Another point of concern to the United Nations is the crisis amongst living things, species and ecosystems, that is, biodiversity. Biodiversity today faces a struggle dominated by land transformation, habitat loss and degradation, unsustainable agricultural practices, spread of invasive species, pollution and overexploitation.
An estimated 42 percent of terrestrial invertebrates, 34 percent of freshwater invertebrates, and 25 percent of marine invertebrates are in danger of extinction.
In addition, between 1970 and 2014 the abundance of terrestrial vertebrates decreased by an average of 60 percent. “The livelihoods of 70 percent of people living in poverty depend directly on natural resources,” says the report.

Oceans with plastic

For the United Nations, the main enemies of the oceans and coasts are: global warming, acidification of water (by capturing CO2) and marine pollution with plastics. Currently, pollution with plastics is noted as the leading cause of damage to the coasts.
Marine ecosystems such as coral reefs are being continuously devastated and today face massive discoloration caused by chronic heat. This affects 70 percent of the surfaces in the world.
On top of this statistic plastics and microplastics account for 75% of the litter found in the ocean and surrounding coastlines. It is estimated that 8 Million tons of plastic are dumped into the ocean each year. This is a staggering statistics considering the additional contamination of water by pathogens, fertilizers, pesticides, sediments and heavy metals.

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How to help?

At Santex, in our path and commitment toward being a B Corporation, we have reduced the use of our printers in order to decrease paper waste, as well as printer inks that utilize plastic cartridges.
We have specified receptacles to recycle plastic products and we donate office related products as opposed to throwing away equipment that is no longer in use.
Additionally, we encourage the mindfulness and reduction of water use in our common spaces as well as setting limitations for unnecessary energy costs.
We are all in this together and each one of us can make a difference.Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose. B Corporations are accelerating a global culture shift to redefine success in business and build a more inclusive and sustainable economy.