By Roxana Morano
Small habits that help us build a better world for future generations.
Do you want to be a better person? Do you want to leave a better world to your children? You can save the world with your daily actions.
At Santex we encourage you to be green!
Reduce the use of resources, Re-use them as much as you can and Recycle them.
Santex is a green company, and we are proud of that.
Santex Changemaker Program is a global program that focuses on three main topics:
A) Recycling
B) Responsible consumption
C) Community
A) Recycling
Here at Santex we recycle:
Empty plastic bottles and bags are put into the grey container next to the kitchen. When it is full, they are taken to a big container we have installed on Velez Sarsfield Square, in front of Patio Olmos. CEIPOST Foundation takes all that plastic, process it and sells it to different companies to use it in construction, clothes, etc. This company is giving jobs to many people in Cordoba and also helps to reduce trash and improves the environment. You can find more information on
Plastic Caps are taken to a big container in Hipermercado Libertad, to help children from a Hospital in Alta Gracia.
Technological Trash:
Batteries and technological trash are also collected here. They are taken to “Municipalidad de Cordoba”, who disarms and classifies technological trash to be re-used as part of new devices, and put batteries on safe cells to avoid contamination.
Paper and cardboard:
All paper and cardboard collected in the brown boxes are sent to Cotolengo Don Orione to help children over there.
B) Responsible consumption
Our first initiative was to educate about the use of water and paper.
We have some great stickers everywhere. Next to a water tap, where you can see: “Save Water”, just to let you know, we should not let water run unnecessarily. Some other stickers said: “Don’t throw away too much paper!” Everything is just part of the same program.
We should reduce our consumption in order to conserve trees and drinkable water.
C) Community
We have given computers that are not in use anymore to low-income school. We also have given IT lessons to children and adults through all year 2013. On 2015 we are planning to start again with a similar program.
If all these is not enough for you, and you want to do more for the environment, here you have some ideas you can follow:
- Plant a tree. Even if you live in an apartment, you can plant trees in big pots on your balcony, or you can grow seedlings and gift them to friends, as I do.
- Grown you own vegetables and create as many plants as you can. If you don’t have enough space you can make them and give them as a gift.
- Make a worm farm for compost, there you can recycle organic waste. If it is made properly, it should not smell at all. You can buy Californian worms on the Internet. They are not expensive and
work for you creating the best compost for your plants.
Change your habits, change your mind, change the World.
Roxana Morano is a Java and Python developer for Santex. As one of our volunteers, in this article she explains how we live the Santex Changemaker Program.