Yail Peralta Yail Peralta

Behind the&nbspScenes

While coding puts Yail Peralta behind a computer desk during the day, another one of his passions finds him behind the camera. Learn more about his contributions to the Buenos Aires film scene.

What does acting mean to you?

To me, acting isn’t about putting on faces – it’s about feeling and connecting with something inside of you.

What kinds of theater are you interested in?

I identify myself more with contemporary theater – both comedies and dramas. Acting is one of my passions and I really enjoy it. The adrenaline you feel in theater versus acting in films is different because of the exposure of the actor and the demand of the role. Thus far, my career has been more focused on film.

How did you discover your passion for&nbspacting?

My interest in acting started when I was a kid. In elementary school, I once had to portray a keyboardist in a band. I still remember the emotion I felt while acting out the character in front of a public audience.

How many films or productions have you participated&nbspin?

My first acting experience was in 2005. I was an extra in the film “Un Buda” directed by Diego Rafecas, where I also helped a little with coordinating the rest of the extras. As a result of participating in this film, I felt motivated to start taking acting classes and also began to read books by Konstantin Stanislavsky and Michael Chekhov. In 2006, I landed the lead role in a short film called “To Whom May Wish It,” directed by Sonia Arraigada. It was based on the story “Para Quien La Quiera” by Francisco Lancharro Perez.

Since then, I’ve continued with acting classes and in 2016, I landed the lead again for another short called “La Rosa Azul” directed by Valentín Roig for a group of Film & TV students at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDrzDfYzrUM

Are you involved strictly with acting, or have you ever helped produce or direct films as&nbspwell?

I’ve never helped produce or direct, but I sometimes work on the scenography and effects of different films.

Do you have any upcoming shows?

I’m currently working on portraying one of the lead characters in a work that will premiere at the end of February. With another theater group we are preparing an end-of-the-year event which will be a one-time&nbspshow.

What are your hopes for acting in the future?

I feel that I’m growing and improving as an actor, thanks to the direction of my theater professor, Pablo Solis. Sometime in the near future I’d like to act in a full-length feature film, either locally or in another&nbspcountry.