high quality software delivery high quality software delivery

High-Quality Software Delivery with DevOps

high quality software deliveryHow Lean Software Deployment Increases Customer and Employee Satisfaction

Traditionally, software developers and operations personnel employ different goals, visions, and metrics when focusing on software delivery. However, in today’s marketplace, these teams can no longer work in isolation.

Customer loyalty is fickle, and it can be difficult to stay relevant in a rapidly evolving technological climate. Your enterprise needs to respond to customer feedback quickly and create new products. You need also need to fix bugs and errors in a timely manner and hone your competitive edge. If you fall short on any of these counts, your customer satisfaction and reputation will be at stake. When high-quality software delivery is your goal, there is little room for error. DevOps is often used to accelerate the deployment process and create a customer-centric environment.

DevOps, a combination of “development” and “operation,” was formulated in 2009 to facilitate cooperation between development, operations, QA, and business teams. The DevOps philosophy believes that when the development and operations departments have an aligned mission and vision, use agile principles, and automate more activities, the company will have a competitive advantage over companies that use traditional practices.

Composed of technology-based practices and collaborative business culture, DevOps removes typical barriers by emphasizing the need for communication, synergy, and collaboration. Fostering interdependence among departments, these practices remove the bottlenecks that occur in the software delivery process. At Santex, our consultation experts can aid your team in implementing DevOps to increase sales, improve user experience, and be more competitive in today’s marketplace.

Here are some of the benefits of employing DevOps for both your customers and your team:

Customer satisfaction

According to a survey conducted by CA Technologies, businesses that have adopted the DevOps methodology have reported a 40 percent increase in customer satisfaction.

Reduced costs

DevOps collaboration results in a decrease in the time needed for production, operation, delivery, and feedback. This, in turn, reduces the cost of creating the product. These cost savings can be passed on to your customers, lowering the price they need to pay.

Improved customer service

Customers have a myriad of options in the mobile app and software product marketplace. As such, if customer service is slow, lacking, or unresponsive, they can easily switch to another option. Through the integrated, frequent feedback system generated by DevOps practices, consumer needs and technological issues can be addressed quickly, encouraging customer loyalty.

Increased stakeholder involvement

In a DevOps environment, developers, operations personnel, support staff, and testers must work together regularly. DevOps encourages stakeholders to participate throughout the production process through procedures such as on-site customer, a frequently used Agile practice.

Automated reporting and strategy

By constructing automated reporting dashboards in a DevOps environment, the time spent collecting metrics is greatly lessened, allowing the team to quickly compose insights to share with the management and governance bodies.

In DevOps, QA must create an end-to-end automated strategy that addresses all components of the website’s technical layout, such as automated functional testing, test data management, performance/security testing, and SOA/API testing. This combined with automated reporting fosters agility in the processes, which is key to deploying features with greater speed.

Continuous testing

Agile procedures and approaches such as behavior-driven development and test-driven development employ continuous testing. By frequently running automated test suites, problems are addressed quickly. As a result, the development team can facilitate quality assurance and advanced quality analytics more easily, enabling developers to discover operational issues faster. This helps to close another traditional gap between the development and operation teams.

Efficient deployment planning

A cross-team approach to deployment planning fosters cooperation between the development and operations teams. By standardizing deployment procedures, eliminating routine tasks, automating most activities, and using continuous deployment processes, the development teams can reduce the time between developing code and deploying it. This enables a company to release an innovative product in a matter of days or weeks. As a result, the business becomes more responsive to the demands of the marketplace, increasing both customer satisfaction and employee effectiveness.

To increase sales, improve the customer experience, and be more competitive in today’s market, It is essential that your team members work as a cohesive unit. Integrating DevOps into your company’s business, development, QA, and operation procedures can result in an improved experience for your users, your team, and your business.

At Santex, our team is experienced in implementing and deploying several DevOps applications and procedures, such as continuous integration, site reliability engineering, and cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Azure). Our team will help you reach your specific software requirements.