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Home office: how to make it work

Dear Community, we hope you are well. As the situation continues to evolve, we thought it would be useful to share how we are getting through the new challenges presented to provide a safe and healthy environment for our team members and partners.For us, working from home has always been an option, and a large proportion of our teams have been working from their homes for a long time, so remote work was not some boogeyman that Santex had to fight off: on the contrary, we’ve lived with it and knew how to handle it.The real challenge that we had to overcome as a team was how to stay united, integrated, and living and creating community, which is not only our motto but our culture. At Santex we live and breathe COMMUNITY.To do this we have taken some measures, and we will continue developing and trying out others every day, which we think could interest and serve you and your companies, families, groups of friends or business ventures:

  • Let’s talk about it we decided to talk with and gauge the feelings of each member of Santex. We organized a virtual meeting with our whole members to start a dialogue. To see how we were as a company and personally.
  • Measure, always measure: after the meeting, we sent a survey to all of our team members so that they could individually report their fears or doubts.
  • Take action: The results showed that we were all more or less asking the same questions and we wanted to provide answers. Agile meetings were held, with participation of members from all the areas and ideas were proposed to move forward.
  • From virtuality to reality: To find out how each Santex member is doing, everyday we send a big and important question through our Slack bot: “How are you?”. Through emojis, we can describe our moods. Faced with a negative response, the Human Capital team activates an accompanying protocol so that this person does not lose heart during these times.
  • #TheGeekClub: An special channel for the entire Santex family to join a space where they can debate and recommend everything from movies to video games. It’s time to be connected, share ideas and talk about them as a Community.
  • #MyAchievement: Through this hashtag the Santex Community shares weekly achievements. What they learned or what they did during this time. Upload photos, share a story and stay connected.
  • Staying active: Promoting healthy habits is crucial for all of us at Santex. That’s why we have a gym teacher to teach us twice a week. Everyone can join online, share a moment of relaxation and allow the body to move.
  • Online games: we are creating a space to play together online, to meet up for some fun and healthy competition. These times are a good excuse to continue learning and getting to know the world of video games.

As a company we believe that these policies are open to changes and improvements, and we will continue coming up with new ideas to take care of our greatest capital, which is our people. We know that these are difficult times that require quick, flexible, and above all HUMAN actions.Thanks for being part of our Community!