Integrating Jira testlink Integrating Jira testlink

Integrating Jira with TestLink

There are a number of questions to ask when it comes to creating a testing strategy for a project. How we are going to manage test cases is perhaps one of the most important. This question has many possible answers like Excel, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, etc. However, none of these are valid or practical answers. To produce a high standard test case management we need a tool with all the necessary requirements, or at least most of them. This is where a product like TestLink can be very useful.


TestLink is an open source tool that can be installed to almost any LAMP server in a matter of minutes. Once installed and configured, we can start creating and managing:

Testlink also generates reports during each test case execution. This allows for visibility related to how testing is going. It also offers the option of Jira Integration, a widely used project management tool that allows for creating issues, in this case of the BUG type. The integration with TestLink will mainly be used in the test case execution, enabling us to link Jira issues to the test case that is being executed. We will be able to automatically create issues should a test case fail.

Integrating Testlink & JIRA

Access TestLink with “Admin” credentials and select the link called “Issue Tracker Management.”
Access TestLink to get Jira integration

Once in IT management, click the “CREATE” button.

 Issue Tracker Management for Jira integration

Once in the “Issue Tracker” field, we choose a name for it. In the “Type” section, choose the correct bug tracking tool from the drop down menu. In this case, we want JIRA SOAP. Click in the configuration field using the following code:

The difference between SOAP and db is that SOAP is used for Jira instances running in the cloud with the paid service from Atlassian while db is used for instances running on our own servers. It extracts and creates information directly in our own Jira database

<!– Template jirasoapInterface –>

<issuetracker> <username>Your Jira username</username> <password>Your Jira user password</password> <uribase></uribase> <uriwsdl></uriwsdl> <uriview></uriview> <uricreate>!default.jspa</uricreate> <projectkey>MTPI</projectkey> </issuetracker>

<!– Template jirasoapInterface –>

<issuetracker> <username>Your Jira username</username> <password>Your Jira user password</password> <uribase></uribase> <uriwsdl></uriwsdl> <uriview></uriview> <uricreate>!default.jspa</uricreate> <projectkey>MTPI</projectkey> </issuetracker>

Testlink also generates reports during each test case execution. This allows for visibility related to how testing is going. It also offers the option of Jira Integration, a widely used project management tool that allows for creating issues, in this case of the BUG type. The integration with TestLink will mainly be used in the test case execution, enabling us to link Jira issues to the test case that is being executed. We will be able to automatically create issues should a test case fail.

This is how the Jira Integration is done.

Access TestLink with “Admin” credentials and select the link called “Issue Tracker Management.”

Access TestLink to get Jira integration

Once in IT management, click the “CREATE” button.

 Issue Tracker Management for Jira integration

Once in the “Issue Tracker” field, we choose a name for it. In the “Type” section, choose the correct bug tracking tool from the drop down menu. In this case, we want JIRA SOAP. Click in the configuration field using the following code:

This is an easy integration of two tools to manage test cases and test issues.


About the Author

Martin Navarro is a detailed Quality Assurance professional with full system development lifecycle experience, including designing, developing and implementing test plans, test cases and test processes. Martin is a strategic team player always willing to contribute and to solve problems.

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