Dancing Dancing

Shall we dance?

Our Team member, Luciano Straga, share with us about his passion for dancing. He told us how he manages to combine being a developer and a flexible dancer.

Tell us, when did you start dancing?

Four years ago, in a gym. Nothing professional but oriented to people to lose weight in a funny way; as Zumba today. Definitely, nothing to do with dancing.  After that, I decided to start at a dance academy.

What attracted you the most about the dance?

Totally different from the technical stuff I usually do, I consider myself as a different developer. I love technical things, but I need something that trains my brain in another way. Dancing has become a challenge for our mind, so you make more effort in learning rather than moving.

What is the rhythm that you most like to dance?

I like urban styles, so Hip Hop or Jazz Funk are the dance classes I take.

Have you taken dance lessons?

Yes, of course, I take not less than 5 per week. I try to dance every day. That’s the best part of working remotely in a flexible schema. I love taking classes in Los Angeles, the best place in the world with the best teachers.

When you took classes in Los Angeles, what was your expectation before taking them?

I was afraid to not to be prepared. The classes are design for professionals, so it’s always a challenge. L.A. is the hardest place to train. Luckily, I could make it, but I had to bring my best from minute zero.

What did you learn the most from your L.A. classes?

Taking those classes is the best thing you can do if you seriously like to dance. There you can learn how to take a class. It’s not a game it’s a professional thing. Teachers go incredibly fast, and you have to be extremely concentrated. The choreos are longer than here, and dancers are beasts.

Have you thought about becoming a professional dancer?

Never. I don’t like dance as a profession. I love what I do, and I’m better at software development. However, I train almost like a professional. It is a challenge for me, and I want to dance like a pro.

Do you have any projects related to the dance that you want to share with us?

No, I did not participate in any project. It is just only a challenge for me and a great workout.