adopting devops adopting devops

Why Your Company Should Adopt a DevOps Culture

The success of your business is tied to its ability to deliver value, learn and improve as fast as possible. Your consumers are looking for the most up-to-date answer to their problems, and they tend to be loyal to solutions. Companies that have adopted a DevOps model have not only increased the speed, efficiency, and quality of software delivery, but they often notice an improvement in employee morale and motivation.According to recent State of DevOps Reports, employees in high-performing DevOps organizations spend 22 percent less time on unplanned work and rework, deploy over 40 times more frequently, and demonstrate better employee loyalty.
Following are several reasons why your business should adopt DevOps teams practices into your business.

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DevOps Innovation

DevOps tools allows for increased innovation at a faster rate, shortening the time it takes for a product to enter the market. By working in small teams and using automation software to limit monotonous tasks, projects can be developed, deployed, and adjusted much more quickly.
Due to this close collaboration, issues can addressed in real-time, problems tend to be less complex, and software fixes are faster. High-performing DevOps organizations have also been reported to spend over 40 percent more time on new work, including new properties and features that can benefit the company.

Increased Efficiency

DevOps best practices include automated procedures and standardized platforms to facilitate efficiency, allowing teams to focus on tasks that need their attention while automating the rest.
“Automating infrastructure delivery resolves the issue of developer throughput outpacing operations, and therefore the ability to deploy,” as explained in the 2018 State of DevOps Report. “Automated system configuration makes it possible for ops teams to deliver systems to developers and QA that match the eventual production environment — and deliver them faster.”
Deployment and compilation tools are also used to speed up product release by decreasing development cycles. Infrastructure that can be easily scaled, such as cloud-based platforms, free up hardware resources and, in the process, encourage faster development and testing procedures.
“Infrastructure automation certainly addresses a local pain point for IT operations teams, but it goes much further than that: It catalyzes the creation of self-service more broadly throughout the organization in subsequent stages,” the report states. “Self-service for multiple departments ultimately leads to greater efficiency and satisfaction throughout the organization.”

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Collaboration Between Teams

When businesses adopt the DevOps model, their teams no longer work in silos. As a result, teamwork matters more than individual goals, ensuring that everyone plays a role in the success of a project.
Removing the barriers between different departments results in more efficient workflows and a more pleasant work environment. Employees in such companies have been reported to be about twice as likely to recommend their company as a great place to work.
Experts have stated that collaboration, or “cross team sharing,” is the key to scaling the success of the DevOps engineer  approach.
“We discovered that the foundational practices — the practices with the most significant impact across the entire DevOps evolutionary journey — are dependent on sharing, one of the key pillars of DevOps,” as explained in the report. “Organizations that have small pockets of DevOps success, yet never manage to spread that success further, are stalled and can’t progress to higher levels of automation and self-service. So the business impact of their DevOps success may not be felt where it matters.”
For companies that are wondering where to start, the 2018 State of DevOps Report recommends improving collaboration with application deployments.
“To ensure you can scale your early success, prioritize the building blocks that can be reused and consumed across teams, such as deployment patterns,” the report advised. “Promoting reuse of successful patterns, enabling teams to contribute improvements to other teams’ tooling, and sharing both successes and failures are all critical to expanding the other three pillars of DevOps: culture, automation, and measurement.”

Reduce Failure

A DevOps culture prioritizes constant collaboration among its members. Consequently, a team that constantly communicates with one another will address problems at a much greater speed than an organization whose teams work independently. Your teams will be able to uncover issues with infrastructure, application code, and configuration as they arise, instead of further down the line.
Developers are also attuned to potential problems that arise while working, resulting in higher quality code and less complex problems. In the 2017 State of DevOps report, high-performing DevOps organizations experienced a five times lower change failure rate, with an average of 0-15% of their changes resulting in significant remediations or degraded services.

Recovery Time

As the DevOps model results in more isolated and targeted deployments, problems are easier to detect. Consequently, solutions are also faster and easier to implement. The responsibility for troubleshooting falls on one single team, instead of a slew of stakeholders at different levels of the organization.
According to a recent State of Devops Report, high-performing DevOps organizations experience 96 times faster recovery rates, with an average time of less than an hour to restore service after an incident occurs. They also have 46 times more frequent deployments and over 440 times faster lead periods for changes.
The DevOps model has become the standard for high-performing IT teams. DevOps can help your business work more efficiently and release new products and features more quickly, resulting in a competitive edge over the competition.